
1. Which famous public school was described in Thomas Hughes's novel Tom Brown's Schooldays?

2. What was the title of the chief magistrate of Venice from about 697 AD?

3. With which artistic movement were Salvador Dali, Joan Miro and Rene Magritte associated?

4. What was the former name of the Zimbabwean capital Harare?

5. Of which African country is Dodoma the capital?

6. Which essayist and dramatist, founder of The Tatler and The Spectator, wrote the play The Funeral?

7. Which of the Harmsworth brothers became the first Viscount Northcliffe?

8. Which of the Mitford sisters married the British Fascist leader Sir Oswald Mosley?

9. Which Italian composer was rumoured to have poisoned his rival Mozart?

10. Who played Sir Thomas More in the 1966 film A Man For All Seasons?

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