
1. Which British prime minister became the 1st Earl of Stockton?

2. By what name is the plant Lycopersicon esculentum, whose red fruit is used in salads and cooking, better known?

3. Of which European country is Tirana the capital?

4. What name is given to the two patches of tissue at the back of the mouth that are sometimes surgically removed in cases of chronic infection?

5. What is a description in prose with a hidden or moral meaning called?

6. What part of the body is affected by lumbago?

7. Which substance obtained by distilling coal tar is used as a wood preservative?

8. How many umpires are on the field in a game of cricket?

9. Which American songwriter and composer wrote Rhapsody in Blue, An American in Paris and Porgy and Bess?

10. What is the official language of Brazil?

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